Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Milestones upon Milestones

So shortly after I wrote that last post, B started army crawling!! It seems like he is doing new things daily. He's been army crawling for a bit now. Yesterday, I was in his bathroom warming up a bottle. I look down...and there is a little smiling face staring up at me from the bathroom floor. He army crawled after me into the bathroom!

Just last night, he started the beginning stages of pulling himself up to a standing position. He grabs my shirt...and pushes his legs...and bam...he is standing. Time is just flying by...and I am soaking up every minute I get of it.

I am going through a phase right now where I am hating leaving him and going to work. At least he is home with his Mama...but I can't help but be jealous at times. I don't want to miss anything. I just love this boy so much I hate being away from him.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ladies and Gents....we have a first tooth!!!

At 7.5 months, B has sprouted his very first tooth! It's the bottom left middle one. He had been sooooo cranky and snotty for the past two days. The night before last, he wouldn't fall asleep and then was up at 3 - very uncharacteristic of the B-Man. Some orajel seemed to put him right back to sleep. Yesterday, he was still quite the fuss pot. Then, last night, I felt in his mouth - and little tooth coming through!!! I'm still trying to get a picture...he isn't fully cooperating in that aspect.

Then, last night, after B's bath, I was letting him roll around on the floor. I went into his bathroom to empty the tub and put his toys away. When I came back into his bedroom, (note - the bathroom is IN his bedroom, I didn't leave him unattended!!) HE WAS SITTING!!!! He had somehow pulled himself up from on his belly to a sitting position!!

So much is happening this month. We also have MMMMMMMMM sounds coming out of his cute little toothy mouth now :) My little man is growing up so fast!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Neverending Cold

Poor B has been plagued with one heck of a cold. I think we are going on 4 weeks now with the stuffy, runny nose. We've been to the doctor and got medicines, done what the doc said, but still just have that runny nose. Poor little guy HATES HATES HATES the boogie ball now! Anyone out there with suggestions on how to kick this thing, it would be greatly appreciated!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Smiliest Baby

When I was 6, I won the "Smiliest Camper Award" at West Hills Day Camp. I still have the award in an old scrap book. I think my son takes after me.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Just over 7 months

Dear Son -

You are becoming such a big boy so quickly!! You are just over 7 months now. You are eating foods of all sorts - peaches, bananas, applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, squash, peas, green beans, and oatmeal!! At this point, you have yet to meet a food you dislike.

You also love storytime - always have. I read you a few books every night. Your favorite is Goodnight Moon. Just last night, you started helping me turn the pages!!! I was so excited that you made yet another accomplishment. I am full of nothing but proudness for you.

Every night, you go to sleep with your Nan (your sock monkey). Once you fall asleep, you stay asleep! It is wonderful :) However, you still hate to nap most days. We will work on that my boy, we will work on that :)

You love your puppy and your kitties. So far, they love you too. We shall see what happens once you start really pulling at all of them!

The past 7 months have been wonderful. I can't wait to see what the next 7 bring :)


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adios Puerto Rico!

I had to go to Puerto Rico for work this week. I was gone from Wednesday morning through LATE Friday night. I missed my B more than anything. So while I was in a tropical oasis - I couldn't be happier to get home and snuggle with my baby. I know it's horrible - but I woke him up at midnight so I could hold him - I gave him a bottle too. Oh how I missed him. Since I've been home, I haven't done anything but spend time with my chunky baby. And I am loving it. So adios Puerto Rico - you were lovely - but home is where the heart is :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

In sickness and humidifiers

My little man is sick with a horrible cold. I feel so bad - I hate that I can't do anything to make it go away. During the day, he continues to smile as snot runs down his little face. At night though, the smiles go away as he tries to fall to sleep but can't because he can't breathe and suck on his paci at the same time!

Thankfully, neighbor-friend A lent us her humidifier last night. I really wasn't sure what those did - and still am not sure I know - but I do know that it helped him to sleep through the night last night! So humidifier - to you I say thanks.

B used to be fascinated by the boogie ball. He would open his mouth every time he saw it and try to eat it. Now - when the boogie ball comes, he turns his head and gets frustrated that he can't get away from it fast enough! Hopefully, this cold does not scar him from the boogie ball.

I'm not sure who, if anyone, is reading this blog. But if you are out there - please please please post some advise on anything to help a 7 month old baby with a cold!!!