Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Being a mom

Being a mom is the most exhausting, tiring, frustrating, and WONDERFUL thing I have experienced to date. Bryson has his days and nights mixed up. He's gone from breast feeding to breast milk in a bottle to being a formula baby. He couldn't quite latch on right away due to a tongue tie, so we began pumping and giving him breast milk in a bottle. At about 2 weeks old, he decided he'd start projectile vomiting the breast milk. So we moved on to formula - Similac Advanced. This gave our little one a HUGE amount of gas which made him quite the fuss pot. A call to the pediatritian and two samples later, we are now Enfamil GentleEase users. This seems to agree with him a bit better - but it's only been a few bottles, so we won't know for sure just yet. Keeping our fingers crossed!

So the past few weeks have been indescribable. I say this because I went through a bout of the baby blues when he was first born - crying at everything and anything and nothing at all. I went through a fussy, gassy, not wanting to take to the boob baby. I went through countless gas smiles and tons of adorable little noises as he eats. I went through sleepless nights which led to sleep deprivation. I went through the most amazing thing ever - and love my son more than words can say.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Welcome Bryson

Bryson Michael Cooke was born on March 4th at 5:05pm weighing in at 9 pounds 5 ounces and 22 inches long! The labor lasted about 9 hours with 45 minutes of pushing. I got an epidural and was SO glad I did!! More to come when time allows...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Countdown - 1 hour

Well this is it. It's been a few days since my last blog, and a lot has happened. After the midwife changed her mind TWICE on us regarding induction, we switched to a different doctor in the practice. The result - we are being induced this morning (March 4, 2010) at 6:00 am. I am a bit nervous, a lot excited, and 100% ready. I had a hard time getting sleep last night (although J said I was snoring quite a bit). Amazingly, I am wide awake and rearing to go. We are going to stop at Dunkin Donuts on the way to get a nice bagel with cream cheese and a cup of coffee before our big day. I never thought this day would come, but we are going to finally meet our boy today. Here is to a quick, easy, and eventless labor and delivery :)