Dear Cheeks -
Believe it or not, your old mommy was once a young, sprite teenager in high school. I started off high school rather shy (much as you are now), but came out of my shell once I got extremely involved in dance. I ate, slept, and breathed dance. I was on the dance team and loved to perform. I even danced in Superbowl XXIX! (I was too young to audition for the 1/2 Time show, so I auditioned for and made it into the Pregame show!) It brought my out of my shell quite a bit. My favorite form of dance was/is lyrical. It tells such a great story with the dancer's body alone. I can't wait to see what activities you get involved in. I always used to joke and say boy or girl, my child will be a ballet dancer. Well that may be true one day, but only if you want to be one. That is the joy of growing up - you can do/experience any activities you want to! I know whatever you do, you will be great in. Your determination as a 15 month old is proof of that.
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