I've been going back and forth between blogger and wordpress (I can never make up my mind with anything!!!) I even started setting up a blog over there; but I think for now, I've decided to stick with blogger. However, I'm changing the address/name of the blog. I started looking at the stats, and am disgusted by how some people got to this blog (searching for pornographic sites, etc) just because of the word Lesbian in the title.
That being said, I am moving to:
I'm hoping those who read will follow me over there!
Jaime :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Day 7 – What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? If you have children, what are their favorites?
Dear Cheeks -
Your mommy LOOOOVES to eat! I'm actually working on getting healthy now for you, so my favorites aren't always able to be had. For breakfast, I love cheesy eggs with crisp bacon. Normally though, I have oatmeal and a banana, or an alternative bagel and a banana. Lunch is usually a sandwich (lately turkey, tomato, and coleslaw). My favorite dinner would probably have to be an ooey gooey cheesy cheesy pizza. That is a once in a while treat though lately. Dinner is always different for us - tonight we are having baked chicken, cous cous, and a veggie!
You on the other hand sir, you are not an eater. Your mama and I tried everything to make you enjoy all types of food. But you sure don't!! You like to have the same things with a treat mixed in every now and then. You love eggs and bananas for breakfast. Sometimes you have oatmeal and a banana. On special occassions your mama or I bake you blueberry muffins - which you devour!! For lunch, you either eat Gerber Spinach and Cheese Ravioli or a Lunchable Pizza. Dinners lately have been quesadillas. It's the only way we can get you to eat meat!! We put cheese and either ground beef or chicken in the quesadilla - you gobble it up. Notice veggies aren't a main staple in your diet (unless I hide them in your food - which I am known to do often).
I'm hoping as you grow up, your tastes will change and you will try more things. Until then, eggs, ravioli, pizza, and quesadillas it will be!
Your mommy LOOOOVES to eat! I'm actually working on getting healthy now for you, so my favorites aren't always able to be had. For breakfast, I love cheesy eggs with crisp bacon. Normally though, I have oatmeal and a banana, or an alternative bagel and a banana. Lunch is usually a sandwich (lately turkey, tomato, and coleslaw). My favorite dinner would probably have to be an ooey gooey cheesy cheesy pizza. That is a once in a while treat though lately. Dinner is always different for us - tonight we are having baked chicken, cous cous, and a veggie!
You on the other hand sir, you are not an eater. Your mama and I tried everything to make you enjoy all types of food. But you sure don't!! You like to have the same things with a treat mixed in every now and then. You love eggs and bananas for breakfast. Sometimes you have oatmeal and a banana. On special occassions your mama or I bake you blueberry muffins - which you devour!! For lunch, you either eat Gerber Spinach and Cheese Ravioli or a Lunchable Pizza. Dinners lately have been quesadillas. It's the only way we can get you to eat meat!! We put cheese and either ground beef or chicken in the quesadilla - you gobble it up. Notice veggies aren't a main staple in your diet (unless I hide them in your food - which I am known to do often).
I'm hoping as you grow up, your tastes will change and you will try more things. Until then, eggs, ravioli, pizza, and quesadillas it will be!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Day 4 – What has most surprised you about parenthood?
Dear Cheeks -
What has surprised me most about parenthood? I'm going to have to say the combination of how difficult it is combined with how rewarding and fun it is. Being a parent means setting a good example for, interacting with, and teaching to your child. It means sleepless nights, picking up colds and germs, and dealing with temper tantrums (yes, you have started to throw these FULL ON at 15 months my dear son). But it also means huge smiles, big hugs, and unconditional love. My favorite part of the day is when I spend time with you. Last night, we just ran back and forth from the family room to the kitchen - we were both laughing so hard. I think what is the most surprising to me is how frustrated you can be as a mom one minute, and enamoured with love the next.
What has surprised me most about parenthood? I'm going to have to say the combination of how difficult it is combined with how rewarding and fun it is. Being a parent means setting a good example for, interacting with, and teaching to your child. It means sleepless nights, picking up colds and germs, and dealing with temper tantrums (yes, you have started to throw these FULL ON at 15 months my dear son). But it also means huge smiles, big hugs, and unconditional love. My favorite part of the day is when I spend time with you. Last night, we just ran back and forth from the family room to the kitchen - we were both laughing so hard. I think what is the most surprising to me is how frustrated you can be as a mom one minute, and enamoured with love the next.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Day 2 -Describe your high school self. What extracurricular activities, if any, did you participate in during high school?
Dear Cheeks -
Believe it or not, your old mommy was once a young, sprite teenager in high school. I started off high school rather shy (much as you are now), but came out of my shell once I got extremely involved in dance. I ate, slept, and breathed dance. I was on the dance team and loved to perform. I even danced in Superbowl XXIX! (I was too young to audition for the 1/2 Time show, so I auditioned for and made it into the Pregame show!) It brought my out of my shell quite a bit. My favorite form of dance was/is lyrical. It tells such a great story with the dancer's body alone. I can't wait to see what activities you get involved in. I always used to joke and say boy or girl, my child will be a ballet dancer. Well that may be true one day, but only if you want to be one. That is the joy of growing up - you can do/experience any activities you want to! I know whatever you do, you will be great in. Your determination as a 15 month old is proof of that.
Believe it or not, your old mommy was once a young, sprite teenager in high school. I started off high school rather shy (much as you are now), but came out of my shell once I got extremely involved in dance. I ate, slept, and breathed dance. I was on the dance team and loved to perform. I even danced in Superbowl XXIX! (I was too young to audition for the 1/2 Time show, so I auditioned for and made it into the Pregame show!) It brought my out of my shell quite a bit. My favorite form of dance was/is lyrical. It tells such a great story with the dancer's body alone. I can't wait to see what activities you get involved in. I always used to joke and say boy or girl, my child will be a ballet dancer. Well that may be true one day, but only if you want to be one. That is the joy of growing up - you can do/experience any activities you want to! I know whatever you do, you will be great in. Your determination as a 15 month old is proof of that.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Day 1 – Provide a picture of the space where you normally blog
Since this blog is meant to be a record for my son when he grows up, I thought I would answer these questions in letter format. I'm mixing it up a bit!
Dear Cheeks -
I seem to be following suit with other bloggers who seem to do most of their blogging at work. This is the easiest time. I can whip out an entry during a call that I am a silent party to, or during a lunch break. Blogging at home seems impossible at times with you running around the house and discovering new things to play with daily. Don't worry - I am not complaining - when I am home, I prefer nothing more than to play with you and enjoy every bit of you. So work it is. Here is a picture of my desk in my office:
On my desk you can see evidence of my love for coffee (two coffee cups!) I have pictures of you all over my office - they keep me going when the days get tough. This area is my "peaceful area". I love the saying "Live, Laugh, Love". It's the first thing I see when I come into my office. It keeps me light hearted through out the day!
Those are words you should live by - Live....Laugh.....Love. If you do those three things, you are bound to lead a life of happiness. I plan to make sure your childhood is full of all three.
Dear Cheeks -
I seem to be following suit with other bloggers who seem to do most of their blogging at work. This is the easiest time. I can whip out an entry during a call that I am a silent party to, or during a lunch break. Blogging at home seems impossible at times with you running around the house and discovering new things to play with daily. Don't worry - I am not complaining - when I am home, I prefer nothing more than to play with you and enjoy every bit of you. So work it is. Here is a picture of my desk in my office:
On my desk you can see evidence of my love for coffee (two coffee cups!) I have pictures of you all over my office - they keep me going when the days get tough. This area is my "peaceful area". I love the saying "Live, Laugh, Love". It's the first thing I see when I come into my office. It keeps me light hearted through out the day!
Those are words you should live by - Live....Laugh.....Love. If you do those three things, you are bound to lead a life of happiness. I plan to make sure your childhood is full of all three.
30 Day Non-Challenge
OK, I am in - the 30 day non-challenge! Presented by Strawberry and An Offering of Love. The last challenge wore me out - but the fact that not everyday is required makes this one less work it seems! Also, I like the questions - very great Q&A for Cheeks to see when he is older.
The new 30 Day Non-Challenge! “Non-challenge” because we will not be offended if you don’t answer all of the questions or decide to skip certain days. Just have fun with it! An Offering of Love and I came up with these and we hope you like them, but I will disclaim this by saying that some questions assume you are in a two-mom household or have a partner/spouse (since that is true of most of our readership). So please don’t hold it against us if you don’t feel every question applies- we did our best! Hope you have fun with this during the month of June. Without further adieu…
Day 1 – Provide a picture of the space where you normally blog
Day 2 -Describe your high school self. What extracurricular activities, if any, did you participate in during high school?
Day 3 -What are your guilty pleasures?
Day 4 – (for parents) What has most surprised you about parenthood?
(for parents-to-be) What has most surprised you about ttc?
Day 5 -What do you prefer to do on your birthday? If you have children, what do you prefer to do for their birthday?
Day 6 – When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and what was the result?
Day 7 – What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? If you have children, what are their favorites?
Day 8 – If you had to teach something, what would you teach? (If you DO teach, when did you discover your love for teaching/the subject?)
Day 9 – What is the most important lesson you learned from your own mother (or other primary caretaker)?
Day 10 – Share your favorite recipe (or two)
Day 11 – In what ways does being a lesbian/2-mom family impact your experience of parenting?
Day 12 – Tell us about the first time you got drunk (as far as you can remember…)
Day 13 – Tell us about the best job you ever had, and the worst
Day 14 – How do you typically dress? How do you (or would you) like to dress your kid(s)?
Day 15 – What was your college experience like? Were you involved in any clubs, groups, etc?
Day 16 – How many friends do you have in real life that you talk to regularly? How many friends do you have that you feel are ‘true blue’ and how long have you known them?
Day 17 – (for parents) What is your favorite thing about parenthood? Your least favorite?
(for parents-to-be) What are you most looking forward to about parenthood?
Day 18 – How do you feel about astrology? What’s your sign, baby, and do you think it matches your personality?
Day 19 – How do you (and your partner if applicable) feel about PDA?
Day 20 – What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you? Did you repay the kindness?
Day 21. What child(ren)’s names do you like that your partner hates and thus you could never use?
Day 22 – What is your most beloved childhood memory? What memories are you trying to create (or will you try to create) for your child(ren)?
Day 23 – What are your favorite activities to do with your kid(s)?
Day 24 – What are your favorite activities to do without your kid(s)? (keep it clean!)
Day 25 – What did you want to be when you grew up? Why and/or how did that change over time?
Day 26 – What is/are the best piece(s) of parenting advice you’ve gotten or can give others?
Day 27 – Which movies or tv shows do you think are the most accurate portrayals of parenthood?
Day 28 – What size family do you come from, what size family do you want, and why?
Day 29 – What do you think about giving kids an allowance, and what chores do you or would you expect your child(ren) to help out with?
Day 30 – What is/are the most memorable questions or reactions you’ve gotten in regards to being a two-mom family?
The new 30 Day Non-Challenge! “Non-challenge” because we will not be offended if you don’t answer all of the questions or decide to skip certain days. Just have fun with it! An Offering of Love and I came up with these and we hope you like them, but I will disclaim this by saying that some questions assume you are in a two-mom household or have a partner/spouse (since that is true of most of our readership). So please don’t hold it against us if you don’t feel every question applies- we did our best! Hope you have fun with this during the month of June. Without further adieu…
Day 1 – Provide a picture of the space where you normally blog
Day 2 -Describe your high school self. What extracurricular activities, if any, did you participate in during high school?
Day 3 -What are your guilty pleasures?
Day 4 – (for parents) What has most surprised you about parenthood?
(for parents-to-be) What has most surprised you about ttc?
Day 5 -What do you prefer to do on your birthday? If you have children, what do you prefer to do for their birthday?
Day 6 – When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and what was the result?
Day 7 – What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? If you have children, what are their favorites?
Day 8 – If you had to teach something, what would you teach? (If you DO teach, when did you discover your love for teaching/the subject?)
Day 9 – What is the most important lesson you learned from your own mother (or other primary caretaker)?
Day 10 – Share your favorite recipe (or two)
Day 11 – In what ways does being a lesbian/2-mom family impact your experience of parenting?
Day 12 – Tell us about the first time you got drunk (as far as you can remember…)
Day 13 – Tell us about the best job you ever had, and the worst
Day 14 – How do you typically dress? How do you (or would you) like to dress your kid(s)?
Day 15 – What was your college experience like? Were you involved in any clubs, groups, etc?
Day 16 – How many friends do you have in real life that you talk to regularly? How many friends do you have that you feel are ‘true blue’ and how long have you known them?
Day 17 – (for parents) What is your favorite thing about parenthood? Your least favorite?
(for parents-to-be) What are you most looking forward to about parenthood?
Day 18 – How do you feel about astrology? What’s your sign, baby, and do you think it matches your personality?
Day 19 – How do you (and your partner if applicable) feel about PDA?
Day 20 – What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you? Did you repay the kindness?
Day 21. What child(ren)’s names do you like that your partner hates and thus you could never use?
Day 22 – What is your most beloved childhood memory? What memories are you trying to create (or will you try to create) for your child(ren)?
Day 23 – What are your favorite activities to do with your kid(s)?
Day 24 – What are your favorite activities to do without your kid(s)? (keep it clean!)
Day 25 – What did you want to be when you grew up? Why and/or how did that change over time?
Day 26 – What is/are the best piece(s) of parenting advice you’ve gotten or can give others?
Day 27 – Which movies or tv shows do you think are the most accurate portrayals of parenthood?
Day 28 – What size family do you come from, what size family do you want, and why?
Day 29 – What do you think about giving kids an allowance, and what chores do you or would you expect your child(ren) to help out with?
Day 30 – What is/are the most memorable questions or reactions you’ve gotten in regards to being a two-mom family?
Growth Spurt?
Cheeks woke up screaming/crying today at 6:30am. This is a wee bit early for him. He fell back asleep, but at 7:00am the screaming/crying started up again. I went into his room. He was laying on his back with tears streaming down his face, arms stretched up for me to pick him up. I did so, and his tear stained face just plopped on my shoulder. We went downstairs for some milk - which he wanted nothing to do with. Upon seeing the milk, the crying started again. After about 20 minutes of intermitent crying/screaming/head on shouldering, I decided to put Cheeks back up to sleep. Maybe he was still tired? I put some Orajel on his gums (maybe his teeth hurt??)
He fell back asleep in about 30 seconds. Whew! I left for work, and Doc waited for our boy to wake up. He woke up...very clingy...and became very happy after he ate some eggs (2) and a whole banana!! Little by little, the temper tantrums started flaring up again. Some Cheez-its seemed to calm him for a second time.
I am wondering if Cheeks is going through a growth spurt? He is cranky, irritable, and HUNGRY. One of the hardest parts of being a mommy is seeing your child unhappy and not knowing why or what you can do for him.
He fell back asleep in about 30 seconds. Whew! I left for work, and Doc waited for our boy to wake up. He woke up...very clingy...and became very happy after he ate some eggs (2) and a whole banana!! Little by little, the temper tantrums started flaring up again. Some Cheez-its seemed to calm him for a second time.
I am wondering if Cheeks is going through a growth spurt? He is cranky, irritable, and HUNGRY. One of the hardest parts of being a mommy is seeing your child unhappy and not knowing why or what you can do for him.
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