Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I've been going back and forth between blogger and wordpress (I can never make up my mind with anything!!!)  I even started setting up a blog over there; but I think for now, I've decided to stick with blogger.  However, I'm changing the address/name of the blog.  I started looking at the stats, and am disgusted by how some people got to this blog (searching for pornographic sites, etc) just because of the word Lesbian in the title.

That being said, I am moving to:


I'm hoping those who read will follow me over there!

Jaime :)

Day 7 – What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? If you have children, what are their favorites?

Dear Cheeks -

Your mommy LOOOOVES to eat!  I'm actually working on getting healthy now for you, so my favorites aren't always able to be had.  For breakfast, I love cheesy eggs with crisp bacon.  Normally though, I have oatmeal and a banana, or an alternative bagel and a banana.  Lunch is usually a sandwich (lately turkey, tomato, and coleslaw).  My favorite dinner would probably have to be an ooey gooey cheesy cheesy pizza.  That is a once in a while treat though lately.  Dinner is always different for us - tonight we are having baked chicken, cous cous, and a veggie!

You on the other hand sir, you are not an eater.  Your mama and I tried everything to make you enjoy all types of food.  But you sure don't!!  You like to have the same things with a treat mixed in every now and then.  You love eggs and bananas for breakfast.  Sometimes you have oatmeal and a banana.  On special occassions your mama or I bake you blueberry muffins - which you devour!!  For lunch, you either eat Gerber Spinach and Cheese Ravioli or a Lunchable Pizza.  Dinners lately have been quesadillas.  It's the only way we can get you to eat meat!!  We put cheese and either ground beef or chicken in the quesadilla - you gobble it up.  Notice veggies aren't a main staple in your diet (unless I hide them in your food - which I am known to do often). 

I'm hoping as you grow up, your tastes will change and you will try more things.  Until then, eggs, ravioli, pizza, and quesadillas it will be!


Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 4 – What has most surprised you about parenthood?

Dear Cheeks -

What has surprised me most about parenthood?  I'm going to have to say the combination of how difficult it is combined with how rewarding and fun it is.  Being a parent means setting a good example for, interacting with, and teaching to your child.  It means sleepless nights, picking up colds and germs, and dealing with temper tantrums (yes, you have started to throw these FULL ON at 15 months my dear son).  But it also means huge smiles, big hugs, and unconditional love.  My favorite part of the day is when I spend time with you.  Last night, we just ran back and forth from the family room to the kitchen - we were both laughing so hard.  I think what is the most surprising to me is how frustrated you can be as a mom one minute, and enamoured with love the next.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2 -Describe your high school self. What extracurricular activities, if any, did you participate in during high school?

Dear Cheeks -

Believe it or not, your old mommy was once a young, sprite teenager in high school.  I started off high school rather shy (much as you are now), but came out of my shell once I got extremely involved in dance.  I ate, slept, and breathed dance.  I was on the dance team and loved to perform.  I even danced in Superbowl XXIX!  (I was too young to audition for the 1/2 Time show, so I auditioned for and made it into the Pregame show!)  It brought my out of my shell quite a bit.  My favorite form of dance was/is lyrical.  It tells such a great story with the dancer's body alone.  I can't wait to see what activities you get involved in.  I always used to joke and say boy or girl, my child will be a ballet dancer.  Well that may be true one day, but only if you want to be one.  That is the joy of growing up - you can do/experience any activities you want to!  I know whatever you do, you will be great in.  Your determination as a 15 month old is proof of that.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1 – Provide a picture of the space where you normally blog

Since this blog is meant to be a record for my son when he grows up, I thought I would answer these questions in letter format.  I'm mixing it up a bit!

Dear Cheeks -

I seem to be following suit with other bloggers who seem to do most of their blogging at work.  This is the easiest time.  I can whip out an entry during a call that I am a silent party to, or during a lunch break.  Blogging at home seems impossible at times with you running around the house and discovering new things to play with daily.  Don't worry - I am not complaining - when I am home, I prefer nothing more than to play with you and enjoy every bit of you.  So work it is.  Here is a picture of my desk in my office:

On my desk you can see evidence of my love for coffee (two coffee cups!)  I have pictures of you all over my office - they keep me going when the days get tough.  This area is my "peaceful area".  I love the saying "Live, Laugh, Love".  It's the first thing I see when I come into my office.  It keeps me light hearted through out the day!

Those are words you should live by - Live....Laugh.....Love.  If you do those three things, you are bound to lead a life of happiness.  I plan to make sure your childhood is full of all three.


30 Day Non-Challenge

OK, I am in - the 30 day non-challenge!  Presented by Strawberry and An Offering of Love.  The last challenge wore me out - but the fact that not everyday is required makes this one less work it seems!  Also, I like the questions - very great Q&A for Cheeks to see when he is older.

The new 30 Day Non-Challenge! “Non-challenge” because we will not be offended if you don’t answer all of the questions or decide to skip certain days. Just have fun with it! An Offering of Love and I came up with these and we hope you like them, but I will disclaim this by saying that some questions assume you are in a two-mom household or have a partner/spouse (since that is true of most of our readership). So please don’t hold it against us if you don’t feel every question applies- we did our best! Hope you have fun with this during the month of June. Without further adieu…

Day 1 – Provide a picture of the space where you normally blog

Day 2 -Describe your high school self. What extracurricular activities, if any, did you participate in during high school?

Day 3 -What are your guilty pleasures?

Day 4 – (for parents) What has most surprised you about parenthood?

(for parents-to-be) What has most surprised you about ttc?

Day 5 -What do you prefer to do on your birthday? If you have children, what do you prefer to do for their birthday?

Day 6 – When was the last time you tried something new? What was it and what was the result?

Day 7 – What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? If you have children, what are their favorites?

Day 8 – If you had to teach something, what would you teach? (If you DO teach, when did you discover your love for teaching/the subject?)

Day 9 – What is the most important lesson you learned from your own mother (or other primary caretaker)?

Day 10 – Share your favorite recipe (or two)

Day 11 – In what ways does being a lesbian/2-mom family impact your experience of parenting?

Day 12 – Tell us about the first time you got drunk (as far as you can remember…)

Day 13 – Tell us about the best job you ever had, and the worst

Day 14 – How do you typically dress? How do you (or would you) like to dress your kid(s)?

Day 15 – What was your college experience like? Were you involved in any clubs, groups, etc?

Day 16 – How many friends do you have in real life that you talk to regularly? How many friends do you have that you feel are ‘true blue’ and how long have you known them?

Day 17 – (for parents) What is your favorite thing about parenthood? Your least favorite?

(for parents-to-be) What are you most looking forward to about parenthood?

Day 18 – How do you feel about astrology? What’s your sign, baby, and do you think it matches your personality?

Day 19 – How do you (and your partner if applicable) feel about PDA?

Day 20 – What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you? Did you repay the kindness?

Day 21. What child(ren)’s names do you like that your partner hates and thus you could never use?

Day 22 – What is your most beloved childhood memory? What memories are you trying to create (or will you try to create) for your child(ren)?

Day 23 – What are your favorite activities to do with your kid(s)?

Day 24 – What are your favorite activities to do without your kid(s)? (keep it clean!)

Day 25 – What did you want to be when you grew up? Why and/or how did that change over time?

Day 26 – What is/are the best piece(s) of parenting advice you’ve gotten or can give others?

Day 27 – Which movies or tv shows do you think are the most accurate portrayals of parenthood?

Day 28 – What size family do you come from, what size family do you want, and why?

Day 29 – What do you think about giving kids an allowance, and what chores do you or would you expect your child(ren) to help out with?

Day 30 – What is/are the most memorable questions or reactions you’ve gotten in regards to being a two-mom family?

Growth Spurt?

Cheeks woke up screaming/crying today at 6:30am.  This is a wee bit early for him.  He fell back asleep, but at 7:00am the screaming/crying started up again.  I went into his room.  He was laying on his back with tears streaming down his face, arms stretched up for me to pick him up.  I did so, and his tear stained face just plopped on my shoulder.  We went downstairs for some milk - which he wanted nothing to do with.  Upon seeing the milk, the crying started again.  After about 20 minutes of intermitent crying/screaming/head on shouldering, I decided to put Cheeks back up to sleep.  Maybe he was still tired?  I put some Orajel on his gums (maybe his teeth hurt??)

He fell back asleep in about 30 seconds.  Whew!  I left for work, and Doc waited for our boy to wake up.  He woke up...very clingy...and became very happy after he ate some eggs (2) and a whole banana!!  Little by little, the temper tantrums started flaring up again.  Some Cheez-its seemed to calm him for a second time.

I am wondering if Cheeks is going through a growth spurt?  He is cranky, irritable, and HUNGRY.  One of the hardest parts of being a mommy is seeing your child unhappy and not knowing why or what you can do for him. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy and Sad Notes

I know I haven't posted in awhile. We have had a hectic few days celebrating mama's birthday and traveling to visit with family in S. Florida. We had a fantastic time. Cheeks had a ball with our family over the weekend. We went swimming, out to dinner a few times, had a BBQ, and went to that bounce house place. Cheeks and his cousin Sammi had a BLAST. Let's just say I now know why adults don't have bounce house parties...I am way too old and out of shape for those things! But it's a good work out let me tell you!! So it was a great weekend had by all - we wish it didn't have to end.

I've been checking in on everyone's blogs - enjoying the updates. There is one blog in particular that I have become a dedicated reader to. I'm not sure if anyone else in the gay/lesbian parent blog circle reads this one, but it's heartbreaking. Mel at Three Times the Fun started a blog awhile back about her family - her, her husband, their 4 year old son, and their 6-month old TRIPLETS!! What a handful, huh? Well, last week, one of the triplets was found in his crib not breathing. A few days later, he passed away. She has been chronicling the week so amazingly well for a mom that must be going through hell. I don't know this woman (she is actually a friend of a friend), but being a mom, I feel her pain. I cannot imagine what she is going through. I think I would cease to function if anything happened to Cheeks. It's a beautifully written, sometimes heart wrenching read. Please keep this family in your thoughts as they go through this hard time. She noted in her blog that Owen's color was orange (they color coded the triplets) - tomorrow is Owen's funeral - she asked that everyone wear orange. While I don't know this family - her blog has touched me deeply - I will be wearing orange tomorrow to show my support as a fellow mom.

Monday, May 23, 2011


We had such a great weekend. I wish it didn't have to end. We started off Friday night just relaxing around the house, doing a bit of food shopping, and playing outside.

On Saturday, we had a playdate at the zoo where we met a very nice mom and son. I swear Cheeks and this boy could be brothers - same height, same exact color hair - it's very cute! Hopefully we will expand the friendship - the age is perfect for be (within a few months of each other).

Saturday night, we took Cheeks to a very fun indoor bounce house place. At first Cheeks was hesitant with the new surroundings. It didn't take long for him to start having a blast though! He even slid down a big slide several times!!! I highly recommend this place for anyone with toddlers as they have two toddler bounce houses. It's a perfect outlet for energy on days where it is too hot/rainy/yucky to be outside.

After the bounce houses, we had dinner at a local pizza place. It was outstanding! Cheeks was wore out by the time we got home and he went straight to bed. Doc and I enjoyed watching 48 hours mystery and Saturday Night Live (who doesn't love a good Justin Timberlake episode???)

Yesterday we stayed around the house earlier in the day. Doc got some spring cleaning done on the patios and I played with Cheeks. After Cheeks' nap, we packed up and headed over to the Magic Kingdom! Oh what fun. Cheeks had a haircut at the Harmony Barber Shop (second one there - we love it!) What was exciting about this trip for us was that Cheeks was much more interactive. On It's a Small World he was pointing at all of the animitronics. He enjoyed the Country Bear Jamboree. What was the best for me was seeing his reaction to The Main Street Electrical Parade! He was in awe. This was special to me because when I used to work at Disney, I'd make it a point to watch the parade every time I was working during that time slot. I loved it then - and I love it now. I am so glad that Cheeks seemed to love it as much as I do!!

And now for some pics of our weekend:

Playing with chalk:

Not so sure about the bounce house:

OK - so this place isn't so bad:

Always finding a truck to play with wherever we go:

Being a silly, happy boy at dinner:

Getting a haircut at Disney:

Post Haircut:

Being silly and burning off some energy!:

Waiting for the parade:

Great opportunity for a family pic:

Ohhhh....what pretty lights in the parade:

Passed out after a great weekend:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2 Year Molors Early?

At 14 months, I think that Cheeks is getting his 2 year molors. He has two HUGE mounds in the back/side area of his mouth where the molors come in. He has been fussy and cranky periodically throughout the past few days. His eating habits are reverting to less than desired. And he has been waking in the middle of the night again (well not last night, but the previous night he was up several times).

Are these signs of molors breaking through? Has anyone else's kids gotten their molors at 14 months? What were the signs?

I feel so bad for the little guy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our afternoon plans and other ramblings

I am very excited to get out of work today. Once I am off work, Cheeks and I are going to the library to get a couple of new books to read, the park to run around and expell energy, and the store to pick up some American cheese! It should be a funfilled afternoon of mommy and son bonding time.

I love that my job offers the flexibility to work from home because it affords me the ability to have afternoons like this. At 4:15 my computer shuts down and it is pure Cheeks time. I crave that and am lucky that we have that ability.

On another note, I am in the process of switching this blog over to WordPress. I really like the ability to password protect some posts, and that is my main driver to move over there. I think I'm also going to change around the name of the blog
(again) because I'm always up for a change!

I will post the new link as soon as I have the other site up and running (shouldn't be too much longer).

Monday, May 9, 2011

The moms in your life

Dear Cheeks -

You are one lucky little boy. Not only do you have two moms who love you beyond words can say - you also have other women in your life who love you like your own. I wanted to take the time to tell you about each one of them.

Your Mama

Your mama never knew she could love someone so much until the day she laid her eyes on you. She cares about you like no mother I have ever seen. The tiniest scratch on your tiny toe upsets her because she doesn't want to ever see you in any kind of pain or hurt. No matter how tough a day she has, she always pulls a smile out for you. I watch you both play - and there is no doubt in my mind that if a mother and son were ever made for each other - this was the match. You love to climb all over her, and you love to lean against her while watching your favorite shows on TV. This woman loves you more than I could ever begin to tell you in this blog.

Your Mommy

That would be me! You bring a joy to my life that completes me. I always wanted to be a mom, and you made that happen! I burst with pride everytime you accomplish something new. Watching you walk around like a big boy is just so amazingly wonderful to me. I hate leaving you every day to go to work, but know that you are having a blast with your mama and that we will have our fun time when I get home. When I get home, we play, and play, and play. My favorite time of day with you is reading you your bedtime stories. Your mama and I have been reading to you since before you were born, and you just adore books. I love sitting down and reading your favorite books. You usually give books your undivided attention, and that is a special gift that I hope you continue to cherish. I love you so much my son.

Your Grandma G

You have some bond with your Grandma G. Even though you are only 14 months, you know who she is when you see her. You don't get shy and try to hide like you do with other people. You always have a HUGE smile and hugs for her. She makes you laugh more than anyone else I think, and you adore the time you spend playing with her and seeing her on iChat. As soon as she pops onto the computer screen, your face just lights up with excitement. She spoils you rotten, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Your Grandma C

Your Grandma C might not be here with you in person, but she watches over you with all the angels everyday. She loved you very very much and couldn't wait for the times to see you. I remember you were napping once as a tiny baby, and she just couldn't wait for you to wake up to see you. She came charging up the stairs with a big smile and a hug and held you tight. She loved her grandkids, fried chicken, and pigs. I know she looks down on your with love each and every day.

Your Aunt Jen

Your Aunt Jen would steal you from mama and me if she could! She loves to hug and kiss you and call you BMANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! You laugh at her when I swing you into her and pull you away. She tries to spoil you all the time, but mommy doesn't always let her! When you were born, she couldn't wait to get up to Sanford so she could just hold you, hug you, and kiss you. You have a wonderful Aunt in your Aunt Jen.

Your Cousin Sammi

Your cousin Sammi is 10 years older than you, but treats you like her own little brother. She counts the days until you come to visit so she can help "babysit" you while we are down there. She loves to chase after you, dance for you, play with your toys with you, and laugh with you. You laugh sooooooo much when you play with her. The other day, we were at Grandma G's and we woke Sammi up together. You just stood there and held your arms up for her to pick you up. I know that even though there is a 10 year age difference, you are going to be very close cousins.

And those women my dear, are the women in your life. We all love you beyond words can express. You are one lucky little boy to have so much adoration in your life - and as long as we are all around, you will continue to have that adoration and love.



Saturday, April 30, 2011

Days 29 and 30

SO GLAD THIS IS OVER!!!! It was fun - but whew.

Day 29: Wishes
I have one simple wish - for Cheeks to grow up without anyone making fun of him for having two moms. I'm not concerned about it - kids will make fun of anything - if its not that he has two moms, it will be that he has curly hair - or because he is smart - or because of any reason a kid come up with to make fun of him. It's just what kids do. But boy wouldn't it be great if that wasn't a worry for him ever :)

Day 30: A picture

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 28 - Something that stresses you

I think what stresses me more than anything is finding the time to clean. I want the perfect house - the house that looks like a model home. Mine never will. With a full time job, a wife in school, and an almost 14 month old son, a clean house is hard. I feel sometimes like my life would be so much less stressful if the house was always in perfect order. Although, I know then that something else would stress me out!

Day 27 - Pets

This is a sad post for me. Over the years, Doc and I have adopted several pets. By the time Cheeks came along, we had 4 cats and a dog. Needless to say, my fur-babies don't get the attention they need with so many of them and the baby. So we are working on finding new homes for some of them. Boo recently went to live at Caboodle Ranch - full with cat Walmarts, a cat City Hall, and tree houses. I hate thinking of her there - but I know she is probably happier.

Next to go to their new home will be Sophia. She is our youngest cat. We are bringing her to live with a friend up in NY state. They just lost a cat that looks just like her - so they are excited to have her.

That leaves us with two cats and one dog - a bit more manageable. Harley is our dog. She is part bull terrier (pit bull), and part whippet. She is the sweetest thing ever and lets Cheeks play with her dog tags and sit on her like a bench. She looks mean and has a ferocious bark - but wouldn't hurt a fly.

The two cats are Maxx (short for Maxxine) and TJ (short for Toe Joe). Maxx is all black and TJ is a big old red cat. They are both lap cats and just want to be loved.

I wish we could keep all of them - but I know they will all have happier lives with more attention.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 26 - A Picture of Your Family

This is one of the very few pictures of my family all together. From Left to Right:

Backrow: Doc, me, my dad, my uncle, my mom, my sister, my brother-in-law
Middle Row: Cheeks, my aunt, my niece
Front Row: Harley (our dog), Beau (my aunt and uncle's dog)

The only member missing is my sister's dog, Goldie.

I love this photo because it's so rare that we are all together - it always seems like someone is working, or in school, or away on a trip. This was a great pic for me :)

And a couple of pics of my immediate family - these are also rare as it is usually Doc or me taking the pic (which is why these are a bit older) :)

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 25 - A Favorite Memory

For this post, I decided to go back to before the day Cheeks was born (because that is of course what I would have written about without saying!) My favorite memory was for about 2 minutes on 10/25/2008. Doc and I got married that day (not legally unfortunately - but spirtually and in front of close friends and family!)

The absolute best memory of that day for me was running into a private room directly after the ceremony. We had about 2 minutes alone - and we spent it smiling and laughing. Our family and friends had just thrown birdseed all over us (NOT a good idea for people thinking of doing this - I think I am still finding birdseed 2.5 years later lol). So we were both covered in birdseed - freshly married - and so happy. That was a great moment :)

This is a pic of us running into the room after the ceremony:

WordPress Question

I'm considering a move from Blogger to WordPress. Any advise on this from anyone out there in blogland that has done the switch? Anything better about one over the other? For those who made the switch - are you happy with WordPress?

Day 24 - Something You Have Learned

I have learned a lot in my life - but perhaps the single most important thing I have learned is that being a mom is hard work. I LOVE being a mom - and everything that comes along with it. But it is hard. Your days are no longer your own. Your home starts to looks like a mini Babies R Us - soon to be followed by a mini Toys R Us.

Your schedule gets turned upside down: wake up - feed - sleep - wake up - feed - sleep - wake up - feed - sleep - work - play - feed - sleep - bottle cleaning time - feed - straighten up the mess made during the day - sleep - and do it all over again the next day. Add postpartum hormones into the mix and all that seems impossible at times.

Eventually, that schedule turns into - feed - sleep - work - play - feed - bathtime - bedtime - clean up the mess made during the day - and do it all over again the next day.

To those who don't have kids, this may seem easy - but for those out there that do have kids, they understand how hard it is. You know what though - I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING in the world. It's hard - but I love it. And it is the most rewarding and amazing feeling in the world when that child of yours starts making strides and developments. My heart bursts with pride everytime Cheeks does something new. It's hard work - but it's the best hard work out there :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

New Development

WE HAVE A WALKER!!!! Cheeks is a bit unsteady, and still working on his confidence, but he has officially entered uncharted territory. Cheeks is walking!! I know a lot of people say this phase is more difficult - but I am going to have to go out on a limb and say it is going to make things easier for our family. I am looking forward to him being able to get out of his stroller and stretch his legs more when we are out. And I am looking forward to less bending to pick him up!!


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 19 - Something You Miss

Apparently I blogged day 20 before day 19 - OOPS!

I miss my family! We few years ago, Doc and I moved up to Central Florida from S. Florida. Even though we are only about 3 hours away, I miss them all the time. I'm looking forward to moving back down there in a few years.

Until then, the times I do get to see everyone (6 or 7 times a year on average) are much more special to me then ever before :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 23 - Favorite Vacation

I think I already answered this one in an earlier post when I wrote about our trip to Scotland. So I'll use this challenge post as an update on Cheeks:


2. Cheeks has developed extreme separation anxiety. And I think I have too. Whenever Doc or I leave the room, Cheeks goes into hysterics. We are trying to break this cycle - but it's a rough one.

3. At the age of 13 months, Cheeks has already had 2 haircuts. First one was at the Magic Kingdom - second one at a place called Cool Cuts. VERY happy with MK - not so happy with Cool Cuts.

4. He waves at his mama and me, but still working on waving at others.

5. He claps when he's excited or he is eating something he really enjoys.

6. Favorite meal is Gerber Spinach and Cheese Ravioli, a slice of american cheese, and a cup of yogurt. This always gets claps out of Cheeks.

7. Still loves anything with wheels. He also loves his Mickey Mouse chair too. He is 100% boy climing in and out of that chair. To my horror, he has gone head first off the chair - only to get right back up and do it again!

8. He is becoming more and more affectionate. He gives his toys, books, and the iPad kisses. He gives his mama and me big hugs.

Day 22 - Favorite City

This is an easy one hands down for me. My favorite city is New York City. I love all of the history and culture. I love that there is a huge park in the center of the bustling city. I'm a New Yorker by birth, so perhaps I have some attachment because of that.

Doc and I actually spent our first day meeting each other in NYC. We met online, and by coincidence we were both visiting family/friends in CT Memorial Day Weekend of 2004. We met up and took a train to NYC together. We've been together since. Every year since then (with the exception of when i was pregnant with Cheeks) Doc and I have taken a trip to NYC. We are going back this summer, Cheeks in tow, and we are so excited!!!

Some of my favorite things to do in the city:

1. Broadway
2. Central Park
3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
4. The Museum of Natural History
5. Hotdog at Papaya King
6. Pizza at Familia in Times Square area
7. Times Square

One of these days, we'll get to the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building! I've never done either of those considering I've been there so many times!

Day 21 - A Picture of Me

A picture of me with Cheeks. We were being happy and silly :)

I usually don't like myself in pictures - 9 out of 10 of them from the past 13 months have Cheeks in them too!

**UPDATE - No clue why this one turned out upside down lol. I will work on fixing that today :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 20 - Nicknames

This is a pretty boring post for me. Growing up, I didn't have too many nicknames. They all seemed to develop in college:

1. Jaimela (from my mom)
2. Jaims
3. Jaim

Day 18 - Something you regret

My biggest regret is the path I took in school. I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life, so I settled on business since a lot of my credits fit with that major. I graduated in a B.S. in Marketing. I went back a few years later to get my M.B.A. Today, I hate what I do for a living. There is no moral satisfaction in it. I take home a paycheck and can support my family - but I don't do anything "good" for the world.

I regret not sitting down and really determining what I would like to do. If I had to to do all over again, I would have majored in either education or a career in the healthcare field. I would love to do something that helps people and society as a whole. Unfortunately, with 40K in student loans under my belt, I don't see myself ever being able to make this career switch as those fields require additional schooling.

That is my biggest regret.

Day 17 - Something you're looking forward to

I am looking forward to having bariatric surgery. I am unable to enjoy life to the fullest right now, and I know this surgery will allow me to enjoy it much more. I can't wait to shop for clothes in whatever store I want. I can't wait to enjoy exercising. I can't wait to run and play with Cheeks without getting winded. I am looking so forward to this it's not even funny.

Day 16 - Dream House

This post could probably go on forever! Doc and I purchased our first house on a whim. I know - not very smart. We've learned a lot of what we do and do not want from this home.

We purchased a townhome, so my first requirement for my dream house is a single family home - where we own all four walls and the roof. I am also sick of stairs! So I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a one story house. I want the kitchen and living area to be one large space, so that when we entertain guests, I can be cooking and socializing all at once. That would also help with giving Cheeks more play area while Doc or I prepare our dinner. I really want a big kitchen, with lots of cabinet space, an island, and a double oven. I would like to have 5 bedrooms. This would allow the following:

1. Master bedroom for Doc and me.
2. Room for Cheeks.
3. Room for a future family member :)
4. Guest room.
5. Office

Living in FL, we don't have basements - so lots of storage would be a must (as is a garage! I'd also love a huge fenced in backyard for the kids and dog to run around and play in. Doc's requirement would be a pool in the backyard (and I would concur with that in our FL heat). And I would like a swing set for the kids to play on.

As far as decorating, I want something warm and comfortable. Not too modern - but not too traditional. I like furniture that doubles as storage as well. It would be fantastic to have a professional organizer come organize all of our crap (for lack of a better word!) OK - I think I'm getting off topic now LOL

That's pretty much it - a nice, medium to large sized house to fit our family that has lots of storage, and is all on one floor!

Day 15 - Bible Verse

I honestly have nothing to put here. I was not raised reading the bible. I was raised in Judaism - but almost more cultural than religious. I have read bits and pieces of the bible - but I am no where near well versed enough to have a verse to write about.

I do love my religion/culture - just don't necessarilly feel it stems from a book. It stems more from the culture of my people more than anything. That being said - Monday night is the first night of Passover. So instead of a verse, I will write the four questions from this holiday - one of my favorite parts of the sedar:

Q1: Why is it that on all other nights during the year we eat either bread or matzoh, but on this night we eat only matzoh?

A1: Matzoh reminds us that when the Jews left the slavery of Egypt, they had no time to bake their bread. They took raw dough on their journey and baked it in the hot desert sun into hard crackers called matzoh.

Q2: Why is it that on all other nights we eat all kinds of herbs, but on this night we eat only bitter herbs?

A2: Maror reminds us of the bitter and cruel way the Pharaoh treated the Jewish people when they were slaves in Egypt.

Q3: Why is it that on all other nights we do not dip our herbs een once, but on this night we dip them twice?

A3: We dip bitter herbs into Charoset to remind us how hard the Jewish slaves worked in Egypt. The chopped apples and nuts look like the clay used to make the bricks used in building the Pharaohs buildings. We dip parsley into salt water. The parsley reminds us that spring is here and new life will grow. The salt water reminds us of the tears of the Jewish slaves.

Q4: Why is it that on all other nights we eat either sitting or reclining, but on this night we eat in a reclining position?

A4: We lean on a pillow to remind us that now we are free and can relax in comfort.

**Thanks to http://kosher4passover.com/4questions.htm for the details on the four questions for this post!

Days 13 and 14 of Challenge

I got behind again! Here we go:

Day 13: Goals I have three HUGE goals right now:

1. Lose weight and be healthy: Last night I attended a Bariatric Surgery seminar. I am very excited about this route and can't wait to see where it takes me!

2. Raise my son to be a caring and gentle man: I think Doc and I are doing a good job with this goal. We shower him with affection and are beginning to teach him how to be polite (please, thank you, etc).

3. Get our budget under control and put away money for our family's future: This includes saving for Cheeks' college, our retirement, and extra unexpected expenses. This is a hard one, but we are enjoying doing it. It's great to see our savings build up little bits at a time.

Day 14 - A picture you love

Now this is just too many to choose from. I had to sift through, but found this one that I adore.

Cheeks was about 5 weeks old here. This was one of the first really big smiles he gave me - and I capture it with my phone. He hasn't stopped smiling since!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 12 - What You Believe (a few minutes early)

I believe there is good in everyone. I think that even those who seem mean and awful have SOME good to them - they just encountered a rough patch in their life at some point.

I believe that you can have what you want if you work hard enough for it.

I believe in G-d (and I believe he looks a little like Mr. Clean).

I believe everything happens for a reason - if it weren't for the things that happen every day, you may not be where you are today. If you don't like where you are today, it is merely setting up the stage for your future.

I believe in hard work.

I believe in my family.

I believe that ignorance is born out of fear.

I believe that one day soon, I will be able to legally marry Doc and she will legally be able to adopt Cheeks.

I believe it is now time for me to go to sleep :)

Challenge Days 9, 10, and 11

Weekends are hard to keep up with! Here are three days combined into one: Day 9-A picture of your friends I've had some good friends over the years. I thought about who to post in this pic, and decided in the end, the two people who will be my best friends forever are Doc and Cheeks:

Day 10-Something you’re afraid of Day

My biggest fear is death. I am terrified of dying because of the unknown. I'm also scared of people I love dying before I do. How do living people know that death doesn't hurt or that you don't realize you are in a box in the ground?? The whole concept is terrifying to me. I just hate the whole thing in general! And with that, I'll switch to a happier and more exciting challenge day :)

11-Favorite TV shows

Now this is a topic I can write on for days! I have a few favorite current shows, and a few favorite older shows. Will start with current:

1. American Idol - I love the talent on this show. I actually like it better when the weird/bad people are done with and they just have good singers on.

2. Desparate Housewives - I love a good plot line - and this show is full of them. I also really like the characters in the show.

3. Law and Order SVU - LOVE LOVE LOVE Mariska Hargitay.

4. Unwrapped - I like seeing all the behind the scenes stuff on foods that we eat.

5. GLEE - I am a true Gleek. I can't wait until the season picks up again soon. Again, I love the talent in this show. The story lines get kind of weird - but the talent is incredible.

6. Saturday Night Live - have loved this show since the 7th grade. Some seasons are better than others, but usually fairly funny.

And now onto my older favorite TV shows:

1. Little House on the Prairie - Great old fashioned family show. Makes you want to live without all of the technology of today.

2. Three's Company - A great classic.

3. Disneyland's 30th Anniversary Special - So this aired in 1984 I think. When I was a kid, my parents taped it and I watched it OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. I still have the VCR tape and plan to show it to my kids and hope they enjoy it too! I know - I'm weird.

4. Laugh-In - I used to sneak and watch this past my bedtime - it came on at 11pm on Nick at Night.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 8 - A place you’ve traveled to

I haven't done a ton of travelling - I often envy those who do. I am fascinated with blogs such as Puffer and the Baby Fishies who have it together enough to travel with twins!! We travelled once with Cheeks - to Ohio - and it was a NIGHTMARE. This summer, we are driving to NY - I really should start planning for that now!

That being said, for this post, I want to write about a trip we took before we had Cheeks. We have friends who live over in Scotland. They invited us to come stay with them and explore their country. Needless to say, it was breathtakingly beautiful over there. Rolling hills, sheep, green as far as the eyes can see. The history is almost intimidating if you stand in a historical long enough to think about what happened there. Doc and I actually stood in the room where Mary Queen of Scots was born! Our friends showed off their hometown of Glascow, and took us to Andstrother for the country's best fish and chips. We also went to Ayr, St. Andrews, and Edinburgh. We toured The Edinborough Castle, St. Andrews Castle, and Stirling Castle.

The trip was just fantastic. One evening, we took a sleep train down to London and spent the day there. I was in complete awe and fascination. I had seen pictures - but it was so much different than I had ever imagined. There we saw all the big sights: Buckingham Palace, The Londone Eye, Tower of London, and Harrids. We were completely exhausted after that day, and slept well on the sleeper train back to Glascow.

Bryson was conceived the month after we returned home from our trip. We are sure the Scottish air had to have had something to do with our luck in that arena. Both Doc and I cannot wait to travel back to Scotland again - next time with Cheeks in tow.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 7 - Favorite movies

I go through phases with movies. Sometimes I like them quite a bit. Other times, I can't muster up the attention span to last more than 10 minutes. I prefer movies that are easy to watch and don't require TOO much thinking for the most part. To me, the purpose of a movie is to be entertained. I think all week at work. I have my brain on when I am caring for Cheeks. When I sit down in front of the TV, I'd prefer to be brain dead :)

That being said, my favorite genre of movie is the American Musical. I love how disjointed from reality they are. A lot of people say that musicals are so "unreal", but isn't that the point of the movies? To take you away into a fantasy world?

My favorite movie of all time is Singing in the Rain. It's funny, it's creative, and it has great music! For those who have never tried it, I highly recommend it.

I've also been enjoying a lot of the new musicals that have come out over the past few years. Chicago, Rent, Mamma Mia, and Hairspray were all fantastic.

Day 6 - A picture of something that makes you happy

Surprise surprise! This little bugger makes me the happiest in the world. I can be having the worst day, and I come home to this smile and it's all better. I can't imagine my life without him.

I was actually trying to find a picture of Cheeks at Disney World - because that makes me EXTRA happy, but the pics on my work computer are limited - so this happy picture is just as good :)

Day 5 - Your Siblings

I am writing this before I forget!!!

I grew up with one sister. She is six and a half years older than me. While you would think that age difference would make for two people who aren't very close, that is not the case in this family. I am VERY close with my sister and would do anything for her! I know these past couple of blogs seem like a mushy love fest - but my family is just close like that! LOL She is married to a police man, so 14 years ago, I also inherited a very funny and quick witted brother in law. We have fun making fun of each other. As a matter of fact, I need to think of a good gag gift to get him for the holidays!

I also "inherited" a brother in law when I married Doc 2.5 years ago. I actually met him before I met Doc. Doc and I met in a Starbucks in CT (I'll blog about how we met in another blog) but her brother was in there ordering coffee before I met her minutes later.

On a side note - I am very proud of myself for completing this blog before 7 am on the day it is due!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Challenge Days 3 and 4

I officially missed a day! Here is one post for days 3 and 4:

Day 3-Your first love

I had a few boyfriends and a girlfriend; however, Doc is really my first TRUE love I believe. From the minute we met, I knew we were soulmates. I had never felt that way with anyone else. We have our ups and downs like any other couple, but we both know that no matter what, we will grow old together. I look forward to every day of that journey.

Day 4-Your parents

My parents have been married for 41 years! They argue and bicker all the time, but to me, they are the perfect couple. Most of the time, their bickering is funny and I can't imagine them not doing it! They are the most giving people and none of it has ever been taken for granted. I want to be just like them when "i grow up" LOL

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Challenge - Day 2

I'm horrible - I almost forgot challenge day 2! The meaning behind my blogname. Well - I am a lesbian, I am a mommy, and these are the chronicles of my journey as a mom! I know - fairly simple lol

Friday, April 1, 2011

Challenge Day 1

Day 1- (April 1) Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts I've been using blog names in this blog, so I figure I'd actually introduce myself in this post. My name is Jaime. I am a 31 year old wife to Jaime (yes, we have the same first name) and mother to our 1 year old son, Bryson. I love to play with my son, blog, read blogs, cook, bake, watch movies, laugh, and just spend time with my family. I work full time as a Client Account Manager for a marketing company - don't ask what I do, because I can never articulate it into words clearly LOL! I have my M.B.A. - but honestly, I feel like it hasn't done much for me, except for increase our monthly expenses by paying back the student loans. That is me in a nutshell :)

A Recent Pic

OK - so it's 2.5 years old - but after 30, they all look alike!! This was our wedding day - I am on the left, Jaime aka Doc is on the right.

15 Interesting Facts

1. When I enjoy a good book, I can read it over and over again.

2. My son looks EXACTLY like me - it's like looking in a mirror sometimes.

3. Sometimes, like today, I have trouble focusing on work - I just want to be off and with my family.

4. I am starting the process to have bariatric surgery performed on me. After a gazillion years of dieting, I'm ready for some assistance in this arena.

5. I actually started a second blog to chronical that journey: The Finding of Jaime

6. I have the attention span of a rubber duckie.

7. I am constantly taking pics or video of Bryson. I'm worried I'm going to forget something - sometimes I think I should put the camera down though and just enjoy the moments with him.

8. I have been highlighting or coloring my hair since I was 16 - I like the changes!

9. I am a coffee addict - and a Java Monster addict.

10. I dislike alcohol - hate the taste.

11. Berries scare me LOL

12. Even though I greatly dislike berries, I let Bryson have them b/c he loves them and I don't want to make my weird dislikes become his.

13. I LOOOOVE Couponing!! I save on average 70% of my grocery bill with coupons!!!

14. Friday nights and Saturdays are my favorite times of the week.

15. I love blue skies. I equally love a good thunderstorm.

April 2011 Blog Challenge

Blog Challenge! I always like reading these, so I figured why not participate in one?

Day 1- (April 1) Introduce, recent picture, 15 interesting facts
Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3-Your first love
Day 4-Your parents
Day 5-Your siblings
Day 6-A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7-Favorite movies
Day 8-A place you’ve traveled to
Day 9-A picture of your friends
Day 10-Something you’re afraid of
Day 11-Favorite TV shows
Day 12-What you believe
Day 13-Goals
Day 14-A picture you love
Day 15-Bible verse
Day 16-Dream house
Day 17-Something you’re looking forward to
Day 18-Something you regret
Day 19-Something you miss
Day 20-Nicknames
Day 21-Picture of yourself
Day 22-Favorite city
Day 23-Favorite vacation
Day 24-Something you’ve learned
Day 25-Favorite memory
Day 26-Picture of your family
Day 27-Pets
Day 28-Something that stresses you out
Day 29-3 Wishes
Day 30-a picture

Monday, March 28, 2011

Away from home

I am in Puerto Rico right now for work. It's the third time I have travelled since Cheeks has been born. It was VERY hard for me to leave him the first time (at about 5 months), hard for me to leave the second time, and it's been the HARDEST for me to leave this time. Since the last time I travelled, he has developed such a unique and adorable personality. I have developed such a bond with him, and I hate being away.

I found out we get free WiFi at the hotel, so Doc is going to install Facetime on the computer at home and we are going to video chat tomorrow after work. I cannot wait!! I wonder if he realizes that I am not there - or if he has no concept of the amount of time I've been gone. Luckily, this is a short trip - I will be back on Wednesday night.

OK - while I want to blog more right now, I have to go get prepared for tomorrow's meeting. Too bad it can't just be a power point presentation on Cheeks - I'd ace that one :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Why I Blog

Jen from Adventures of Jen, Tiff and Chunk from posed the question "Why do you blog". I thought it would make for an interesting blog entry, so here we go!

I blog mainly because I want to document Cheeks' childhood for him and myself. I enjoy looking back at past posts to see what was going on a few months ago, and to remind myself how far we have come. I admit, while I have the best intentions of creating a scrap book as Cheeks' baby book, I am horrible at keeping it updated in a timely fashion. This blog is kind of like a virtual baby book for me. I can look back and see what he has accomplished and when. One of these days, I'll transfer that information to his scrap book, but until then, this is a great way to document it quickly and easily.

I also enjoy reading other parents' blogs who have similar families to ours. When we first became pregnant, I had a hard time finding any resources for two mom families. All the sudden, I found one blog who's owner documented their life as part of a two-mom family. That blog linked to other blogs and so forth and so on. I now have an incredible amount of experiences that I can relate to - all from this blogging community.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happiest Boy Ever!

No words this post - just a video :)

YouTube Video

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Chaos and Order

There are some people in this world who seem to have a very relaxed life. There house is always clean, household items are always available, schedules are followed. Our household is not one of those. We always TRY to be one of those households, but we just aren't. If you were to look up "Chaos" in the dictionary, you would inevitably find "home of Cheeks'" as the definition.

For the longest time, this stressed me out and made me sad that I didn't have the standard "orderly" life I wanted for my child. Then I realized last night, we are happy! I may have left a dish or two in the sink this past week, and we may need to do quite a bit of cleaning this weekend, but our son is happy and healthy. He, himself, has a schedule that we really stick to - and he has created this schedule himself for the most part:

8am - wake up
9am - breakfast
noon - naptime
2pm - lunch
5pm - mommy home from work and playtime
6pm - dinner
7:30pm - bath and bedtime

I also find that I have somewhat of a schedule for myself - at least on days that I work:

6am - alarm goes off - round 1
6:10 - round 2
6:20 - round 3
6:30 - finally out of bed/showered/dressed
7am - take out dog
7:15 - get lunch together
7:30 - off to work
8am - start work
4:30pm - come home!!
5:00 - playtime with Cheeks
6:00 - Dinner time
7:30 - Bath and Bedtime routine with Cheeks
8pm - Dinner dishes
8:30pm Coupons/TV time
10:30pm - Bedtime

So while on the outside, it may not look like it, my life isn't complete chaos - there is some order in it. I just had to sit down and blog to find out where that order was. Next steps - add hours into the day to clean and organize the house!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen - after almost two weeks of consistently waking up in the middle of the night, Cheeks has been asleep from 8pm to....?? He is still sleeping folks!!! :-D

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So Tired

Mr. Cheeks has decided that he will wake up nightly between 3 and 5am. He had always been a good sleeper - since about 10 weeks old. I think at first he started waking up because he was cutting FOUR teeth at once. Now, the teeth have cut, and he is still waking up. I now believe it has become habit. I had been giving in and giving Cheeks a bottle when he'd wake up...and now we are paying for it. Last night, I decided enough is enough. I officially let him CIO. 20 minutes later, the boy was fast asleep, and I was back off to dreamland. He didn't wake up until 8 am! Here is to hoping tonight is a bit easier. We are going to continue to CIO until he is back to his normal sleep pattern of sleeping through the night!

In other news, as some may know, Cheeks is an avid car/truck lover. Anything with wheels he LOVES. So last night, Doc and I purchased our boy a Little Tykes Cozy Coupe. He was so excited - he wouldn't get out of it!

This morning he woke up and went straight for his car. I can't wait to take him outside this afternoon to cruise around :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

One Year Old

Cheeks is officially ONE!! I can no longer call him my little baby - he is now my big boy (Although he will ALWAYS be my little baby) :):)

The party was a success and we had a fantastic time. We had Elmo come out which the kids and parents loved! Cheeks - he wasn't so much loving Elmo.

Other than that part, he had a great time. It was one big playdate in our backyard - which is exactly what we wanted. It was stressful to put together, but in the end, so worth it.

A quick recap on Cheeks' progress in life:

  • Over the weekend, he started waving hi! He opens and closes both hands - he gets so proud of himself!
  • He still loves his books. He will turn the right side up if they are upside down.
  • Still LOVES cars, trucks, and anything with wheels. He turns them over and plays with the wheels. Chuck the Dumptruck is his favorite.
  • We have officially purchased our last canister of forumla - for the most part, Cheeks drinks whole milk now! (Sometimes with a bit of chocolate in it!!)
  • He is a very loving little boy - he gives hugs and kisses to mama, mommy, and his books.
  • Still furniture cruising - not ready to let go yet!
  • We think he is saying "Book" and "Cat"

We have his one year dr appointment this morning - weight and height to follow in an edit to this post later!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

8 more days

A year ago I was crying almost everyday because I was still pregnant. I HATED being pregnant. I was going through hell with a midwife who kept hemming and hawing daily about whether or not to induce me. Finally, after two weeks of that, I switched to an OB in the office who induced me 8 days from today last year.

One year later, I am no longer crying everyday. I come home from work to be greeted with the biggest of smiles from my two-tooth baby. We crawl on the floor together and play with his favorite Mickey Mouse basketball together. I get hugs and every so often, a kiss from my son. Those 9 months of pregnancy sure were worth the outcome almost a year later.

I cannot believe Cheeks is going to be 1 year old a week from tomorrow - where in the world has the year gone??

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Poor Cheeks has is first "real" illness. He had a fever that fluctuated between 99 and 103.2 for about 3 days. Now the fever is gone, and he is COVERED in a red, spotty rash. Doc took him to the doctor this morning and it turns out he has Roseola (I had it too as a baby). Nothing we can do for the poor guy until it goes away.

It's horrible when your baby is sick and you can't do anything about it :( Perhaps I will have to buy him a new book today. He sure does love his books.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Disney Play Date!

One of the excellent things about living in Central Florida is that we are so close to a children's wonderland - Walt Disney World. On Monday, 2/7, my friend A invited Doc, Cheeks, and I to join her playgroup at a play date at the Magic Kingdom. Of course we jumped to go! Cheeks enjoyed it well enough. Including Doc, Cheeks, and me, there were 10 mommies and 13 kids. A huge group to go to Disney, but oh so much fun!

The best part of the day to me was when we got home. Cheeks isn't yet walking, and he obviously couldn't crawl around the park, so he was relegated to his stroller for most of the day. Now Cheeks is not one to be confined! He needs his freedom to move and stretch and play. When we got home, he was SO excited to be free. He found his Chuck the Dumptruck (his favorite toy at the moment) and kept saying "AHHHHH" with a huge grin on his face. I wish I would have videotaped it - definitely a moment to remember :) I don't think Cheeks is ever going to get rid of Chuck - I can see him holding on to it for his children because he loves it so much. My child is a truck man!

Friday, February 4, 2011

11 Months!

Cheeks is 11 months old today! Has it really been that long? Seems like yesterday that I was itching to get home from the hospital with him. I wish I would have taken pictures throughout the year of him holding up a sign of how old he was at that point. Too late now - perhaps with the next baby.

Another exciting event happens today - Cheeks' future wife is being born via c-section at 12:00! My best friend from college is scheduled to have her little girl this afternoon - we joke that she will be Cheeks' future wife. I'll need to come up with a blogname for her. Haha - ok - she is being referred to as "Girl Baby" from now on. Story behind this - my best friend has a cat - she never named the cat - the cat is now referred to as "Girl Kitty". Girl Baby it is :) I am very excited to meet her later today!

This blog entry is all over the place, but wanted to document the funniest thing that he started doing. He has the Fisher Price Lil' Zoomers race track.
He knows how to put his cars in it and turn it on so they spin 'round and 'round. Lately, he has been putting everything and anything in it and then trying to turn it on - rings, cars, books, sippy cups, bottles, and the list goes on. If the track doesn't start to spin, he removes items one by one to see if it will start spinning. Very analytical! Maybe we have the next engineering wizard on our hands. The other night, when cleaning up, I found his bottle just sitting in the track. I got a good chuckle out of that :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pancake Pancake!!

After listening to this several times, I swear he is saying "pancake pancake"!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


So Cheeks has met the inevitable regression that I have been reading about on other blogs. My perfect night time sleeper has begun waking up for a bottle around 11:30 pm each night. At first, I thought it was just a one night set-back. We have gone three nights now where he will not even take a second glance at his pre-bedtime bottle, then starts crying at 11:30 because he is hungry. I am trying to nip this in the bud - suggestions welcome to anyone out there who may be reading this!

Friday, January 21, 2011


I so look forward to my weekends. Even though sometimes they are more exhausting than my weekdays, they mean family-time. And I love family time. Sometimes we spend the weekend at home, and around town running errands. Other times, we go to Disney World for the day! (One of the perks of living in the Orlando area). No matter what we do though, it is a full two days and nights with my wife and son.

This weekend's agenda - hanging around the house, running errands, and possibly looking at a couple of rental properties. We are going to have to move eventually to accommodate our growing family as time goes on. I figure it's never too early to start perusing. The sad part is that we are going to have to find homes for some of our animals. Right now, we have 4 cats and a dog. No one is going to rent to us with that brood - so homes we will have to find. This makes me sad - but I know that having that many pets AND a baby makes it difficult to give them the attention they need. I will be happy knowing that they are going to loving homes - the hard part - finding those homes. I know we will though - just need to expend the energy to do so. And that is what weekends are for :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I want to make sure I don't lose track of things I want to look back on and remember. So here are some bullet points:

  • Cheeks is now pulling himself up and furniture cruising all over the place. He still lacks the confidence to let go and stand - but I don't think that is too far in the future.

  • The boy LOVES rice! He will gobble it all up - and ate an entire bowlful last night.

  • When he is enjoying food, he gets a closed mouth smile on his face and goes MMMMMMMMMMMM!!

  • All Cheeks wants to do is stand in the bathtub - it's making bathtime quite difficult. We tried a tip from Grandma G - the letters that stick to the side of the tub - that seemed to increase the amount of time sitting - we'll see how it progresses!

  • His favorite way to conversate at the moment is "YA YA YA YA YA YA".

  • He has begun to give kisses! He is selective in who receives them though. Always Grandma G on the phone, and himself in the mirror LOL

  • His hair has begun to curl :)

  • He still loves when we sing to him.

  • Last night, I started a new tradition - he now picks out what stories he wants to read before bedtime. I lay out a few for him to choose, and he definitely has his wants when it comes to storytime.

  • He would rather feed himself than be spoonfed; however, when it comes to the bottle, he has regressed, wanting his Mama or me to hold it for him.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Want at this Moment

I would like to be home with my baby right now - playing with him - making him laugh - chasing him around the floor. But I have another 2 hours before I will see him again. I am planning to take him for a walk later, but first - we are going to have to play. The past couple of days have been very busy - between work, errands, the Y, and life. Tonight is a night for Cheeks and me - and I couldn't be more excited.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011


Our household got knocked down last week with one (or two) nasty bugs. Cheeks got an upper respiratory infection, followed by a secondary infection. I had a stomach bug, followed by Cheeks' illness. Doc is now at home sick with my stomach bug and a 102 degree fever!

In the midst of all of this, Cheeks' has gained a sense of independence! He now is fully mobile and in complete exploratory mode! He crawls everywhere, and is facinated by electrical outlets (yes, we have all of ours covered, but they still fascinate him). He pulls himself up, lets himself down, pulls himself back up, walks along the coffee table, couch, and his toys. Last night, he walked from me to Doc in no time flat while utilizing the coffee table AND couch for support! I don't think it will be too long before Cheeks is running around!

He no longer stays confined to the living room...that is too boring for him...he now crawls his way into the dining room and kitchen! It is exhausting to say the least! Last night, I took out a big pot, a big wooden spoon, and a couple of magnets. He had a blast putting the magnets in and out of the pot. It was nice to have something simple like that to keep him busy while I prepared dinner.

This is definitely a fun, exciting, and challenging stage - something new for me to get used to!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

10 Months Old Today!!!

Wow..two posts in one day - it's a miracle! ;)

Our boy is 10 months old today - this makes me so happy but so sad at the same time. He is growing up so fast!! I am so happy he is a big, healthy, growing 10 month old though. I can't wait to see what the next couple of months bring before his first birthday!!

Happy Birthday Cheeks :)

A New Year

Well our 2011 has started off with a family full of sickies. Cheeks started off with a bad cold - runny/stuffy nose, chesty cough, 101 degree fever. I followed shortly after with a stomach bug, and Doc woke up this morning with Cheeks' illness. And now low and behold, my stomach is feeling slightly better, but I am coming down with Cheeks' illness too! My thought is that we are getting all of our yuckiness out at the beginning of the year :)

Cheeks is lying in his crib now - he only napped for 30 minutes, but as long as he is not crying, I'm leaving him up there with hopes that he will fall asleep again and get more rest - which is what he needs.

In the midst of all of this - our boy keeps that huge grin on his face...I love him so much!

And I'll end on a happier note - HAPPY 10 MONTH BIRTHDAY CHEEKS!!! :)