Monday, June 29, 2009

4 weeks 3 days Pregnant!

I went this AM for my second Beta blood test. On Friday the count was 106. Today..........562!!!!!!!!! Little Frogger is moving along perfectly. I think the nightly belly rubs I get from J is helping quite a bit.

Still no crazy symptoms - happy about that :) Praying it doesn't get too bad!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's official! I had my first blood test on Friday - HcG level = 106!!! The nurse (Rebecca) said they like to see the count between 80 and 100, so she was happy with my count! Woo hoo!!! J actually said "I wanna hear the words!!" and Rebecca said "YOU'RE VERY PREGNANT!" :-D

I go for my follow up blood test tomorrow - and as long as all is ok, we go for our first ultra sound at 7 weeks.

On another exciting front, my best friend E just found out she is pregnant as well! She is 6 weeks - so two weeks ahead of our 4 :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I took 4 tests so far - ALL POSITIVE!!! Including a digital one that told me this AM that I indeed was "PREGNANT!"

It's funny...I don't feel pregnant yet - I can't wait to start experiencing it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I was a bit hesitant to post yesterday...but today (11 DPIUI)...we are sure......BFP!!!!!!!!! Yesterday it was very faint on both tests I took (the first in the bathroom at Super Target haha). This morning...a tad darker. WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!! This was our first IUI...I am still in disbelief and awe that it worked. Blood test is scheduled for Friday to confirm!! OMG! :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Half Way There!

Today marks the halfway point of the 2ww. 7 dpiui and 7 more to go until the official bloodwork pregnancy test. I personally want to cave and take one on Sunday (Father's day - I thought our dad's would enjoy a BFP) but I don't think J will be OK with that. I'm going to ask what she thinks though. Poor thing went to the dentist today and isn't feeling too good at the moment!

And here go the symptoms:

A massive amount of hearburn.
Slight cramping on and off - mostly off.
Extremely conjested (I think this may be from a cold).
Feeling fat - would like to think this is bloating - as that would be another symptom - but I will go ahead and say it is truly due to the fact that I overate b/c I was bored at work today).

And there you have it - my positive thinking has declined a bit and I'm starting to think I shouldn't be so excited. Off to shower away my negative thoughts.

Monday, June 15, 2009

3 dpiui

EXTREMELY nauseaus....has got to be from the HcG trigger shot though. No way I'd be getting symptoms this early.

Also still kind of crampy. Started progesterone last night - this could be why.

Today I said to J...I'm 80% sure it worked...just a feeling.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Who would have thunk??

Last night we ordered in from Chili's. I normally LOVE my burgers Medium to Medium-Rare. Last night they came in just like that. I about puked!! The raw mean just made my stomach turn.

That being said I am 2dpiui. Obviously, these symptoms can't be pregnancy symptoms - tooooo early. They are most likely from the HcG injection - which can mimic pregnancy symptoms from what I am reading here on the Internet.

2dpiui symptoms - still burpinga lot :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am nauseaus! Keep burping and more comes up than air (I know..TMI). I also felt a bit crampy today. From everything I'm reading, this is all probably from the HcG shot. Praying that the little ball of cells is in there and making it's way to it's place. 13 more days until the pregnancy's to hoping!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I almost forgot!

So a good nap helped me to remember ome of the most important things about today's IUI!

15,000,000 swimmers with 61% motility - dr. felt this was a good specimin!! Thanks anonymous doner! :)

Day 1 and counting!

In our journey to conceive, I have done lots and lots of Internet research. I found so many helpful sights - many that educated me and made me more excited. But none that I was fully able to relate to because our journey is a little different than the majority. My other half and I are lesbians. Lesbians trying to start a family (or expand our family, which at the moment consists of my wife, me, our dog, and our 4 cats!).

We decided to start our family about 1 year ago. We went through all of the testing (found out I have PCOS - which can make it difficult to conceive) and decided this month to begin our adventure! So this past month, I've been pumped full of hormones (Clomid and HcG) in the hope that a few of my follicles would grow and rupture and allow one (or more) of my eggs to get inflitrated by liiiiitle tiny sperm. This first month went as follows:

CD 2 - lots of tiny follicles - 4-6 mm
Clomid CD 3-7
CD 12 - 9 mm follicle (disappointed it wasn't larger)
CD 16 - 11 mm follicle
CD 19 - 16 mm follicle (woo hoo!!!)
CD 22 - 23.5 mm follicle!!! (FINALLY!!!) HcG shot at 8:45am
CD23 - IUI #1 (That would be today) :)

So now we're waiting to see what happens. I'm so nervous the sperm is going to fall out....I know..silly to think...but just praying it goes where it needs to go.